Take Action

Everyday, we make choices. We can choose to take small, concrete actions that reduce our environmental impact and increase our positive outcomes. Start small with your personal daily choices and scale up from there.

As someone who cares, you can also influence those around you. You're reading this, so you already care enough to find solutions. You can help others.  It's going to take a movement of people who care and act to turn the tides for our reefs. 

Maybe one of our Ocean Action Kits will inspire you, or perhaps you’re keen to take on the Action of the Month! Explore the options and go forth to do good, Ocean Action Agent. 

Everyday Action

Don’t have time to volunteer? Feeling helpless about the fate of our reefs and oceans? Never fear!! There are countless ways for you to help reduce your impact on your local environments. Learn what you can do in your everyday life to help save and preserve our reefs and oceans.
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Action of the month

Each month, Reef Check Australia will suggest an action you can take to help our reefs. What will you do this month?
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Ocean Action Kits

Reef Check Australia’s Ocean Action Kits are designed to provide information, guidelines and practical resources for individuals to lead their own local grassroots actions and projects. The kits allow anyone with an interest to make a tangible, active contribution to ocean conservation and be a part of positive environmental change within their community.

We have several topics available, along with a few extra resources, so you can choose the issue and activity that interests you most and even choose your level of engagement within the activities outlined.

If you have any suggestions for further resources or have any questions on the existing kits, you can email us.

Thanks for your interest in becoming an Ocean Action Agent!